Friday, August 8, 2008

Shoes, no service

In the US you will sometimes see a notice outside the door to a store stating, "No Shoes No Service." Well today in India I experienced the opposite as I could not enter a store with shoes on. So you guessed it I didn't go in. For those of you who don't know me well, I am a bit of a germophobic (although my sister won't believe I am getting better). Removing my shoes (of course I had to have sandals on today) and walking barefoot on the floor where lots of other barefeet have been just isn't something I was willing to do. Going barefoot in a house doesn't generally bother me, it was the fact that lots of other feet are going barefoot and you just don't know where those feet have been! I was so tempted to find a music store that would let me shop with my shoes on, but finding anything in Chennai isn't the easiest and I wasn't willing to attempt this. So I stuck my head in and said I was looking for a keyboard stand but was not taking my shoes off, so the transaction was completed with me standing outside! I bought a keyboard stand and kept my shoes on!


Matthew Celestine said...

It would be cool going to a store like that.

I have an whole blog about removing shoes: Shoes Off at the Door, Please You might want to take a look.

Jen Kumar said...

Have you been to Spencer's Plaza? It a huge shopping mall in Chennai. I am sure Music World will let you in with shoes on. When I left Chennai in 2001 it modernized it's stores to include bar codes and security bars at the entry doors (like we have in US that read bar codes to make sure you haven't stolen, not sure what they are called..)
Check that place out Music World has more than your heart desires!