Thursday, August 21, 2008

Running low on diesel fuel

Lately we have been experience a shortage of diesel fuel. Many of the vehicles here run on diesel so this is a huge matter. Trucks, autorickshaws, SUV, cars, generators and vans (our is a diesel Toyota) run on diesel so without diesel the ecomony could really come to a halt. I am not sure what the exact problem is but I have heard that there is such huge demand with the ever increasing population and the number of companies moving here. When this happened in June I read an article that a tanker just didn't make it to port, but I have not heard this happening this time. So for whatever the reason was I was thankful that our vans were pretty full and we avoided the mess of waiting in line. One thing that is so different at gas stations here are they are all full service, meaning they pump your gas for you. They seem to employ a lot of people, women included (they wear a salwar with the gas station vest over it). So the next time you gas up and don't have to wait in line be thankful for no lines and cheap gas (it is over $5 a gallon here).

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