Saturday, August 16, 2008

Going Vegetarian

After our trip to the US this summer, the hardest part of living in India is the meat...or I should say the lack of quality meat. Now granted living in the midest USA we are blessed to have some of the best tasting meat in the world, or so I think. Buying good beef or pork here is difficult. Meal preparation is always a task for me here. I have come to realize how much I relied on hamburgers, pork chops, bratwurst, steak, etc for our meals in the US. India has plenty of chicken and very fresh chicken but I can't find the nerve to buy from the street chicken shops. Seeing fresh chicken completely covered in flies just does something to my stomach. Plus seeing the poor little chickens panting behind the counter waiting to become someone's dinner just isn't appealing to me. Now granted I do feel the God put animals on the earth for the purpose of food, but I just prefer to just see the meet shrink wrapped and on a plastic tray. I remember one time in the US we had some old hen's we decided to butcher, thank goodness I had to stay in with the kids. I ended up giving them away as I just couldn't eat my hens. I have recently been buying my meat from a local butcher shop that delivers and after receiving frozen chicken breasts with hair (not feathers) and minced beef (hamburger) with pieces of grass I decided to shop elsewhere. The meat shop consists of 3 deep freezers and the packages are pretty much covered in blood. And of course the smell, well we won't go into that. I realize now how much I took for granted the supermarkets in the US. I am trying to learn some new dishes with the help of our neighbors cook as the only other option is to go vegetarian, but many of you know that I am not a huge vegetable fan. Feel free to send me chicken recipes!


Stephanie said...

Where are you getting your meat?

素子 said...

We are willing to buy chicken, package it and sell it to you a day later at a premium. You just wait until I get my video uploaded to my blog. Then you point people there and say, this is what I meant.