Wednesday, February 27, 2008

An overdue Thanks

Moving to India is a lot of work. Moving to India with 3 kids is a lot of work. Moving to India with a dog was a lot of work. I didn't have to do much work in order to get Millie (our dog) moved to India as I had the fantastic help of some very special people! This entry gives credit to the Wyoming Veterinary Clinic in Wyoming, Illinois and the staff of Dr. Keller, Terry and Carol. Let me just say how great they were at making phone calls and filling out the right paper work. Millie had to have a certification from the USDA, a microchip implanted and her shot record all up to date. Several of the shots had to be done in a certain number of days. One of the biggest concerns I had that she would weigh too much at the airport. I was really stressed out about this. So right before we flew I borrowed our neighbors truck (thanks Wolfe's) and loaded Millie and kennel up to get a weight check! Everything had to be under 100 # and it weighed 96.1 #! But here is the kicker, at Lufthansa, no one ever even weighed her.

Millie seems to have settled right into life in India. She has a playmate here...Scooby, a german shephard, but I am sure she misses Hannah and Penny. We are so thankful for the Walton's taking Hannah and Penny into there home and providing for them while we are away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Has Millie had a trim since she's been here? IS that something you do yourself?