Tuesday, March 25, 2008

So what side do you drive on?

I was talking to a man from Scotland the other day who was telling me the he drives on Sunday as they have no driver that day. Then I stupidly asked him if he was used to driving on the "wrong" side! We both had a good laugh at this question.
Today I saw a car that had the steering wheel on the left side (aka the normal side) and I was shocked. I saw a westerner getting in the right side of a van at school and thought how unusual that she was driving and then realized...no steering wheel on the right, it was on the left! Bhaskar was telling me the consulate personnel import US vehicles when they move thus the American van with the steering wheel on the "right" side or I mean the left side!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When we lived in the UK, I had a right-hand drive car (like here) which we used as our family car and John had a left-hand drive car. For some reason, he was able to switch back and forth without even thinking about it. Once I got used to driving from the other side of the car, on the other side of the road, there was no switching for me!