Friday, March 7, 2008

It is swimming time!

The pool is completed...almost, a few minor things to be done, but we can swim in it! We still have lots of sand around the pool and will have for several more weeks. The kids were ready to hop in but were told that the pool had to be blessed first. So Bhaskar and 1oo rupees went off to buy the supplies for the blessing ceremony which consisted of a white watermelon, coconut, fireworks, red dye and some incense. So after the pool was officially blessed it was swimming time!

Sampeth and Vincat - the gardeners


Unknown said...

That will make the upcoming hot months more bearable. It looks like a beautiful pool...capable of withstanding the monsoon :)

Anonymous said...

I love your pool and the pictures of Christmas!!! Think of you all often, miss you guys! I'm busy with school but it's spring break so I can breathe for awhile! hehe!

Karen White said...

You are so kind to share your experience in India with us through your pictures. I log on frequently. Flowers after the rain was extraordinary. Oh, if only I could taste the fruit. I love the pics of your family--and with the pets it continues to grow! May God stay at your side always and reveal more of His world!

mekie said...

interesting read! i believe that your gardener's name is spelt 'venkat'. :)