Monday, May 11, 2009

Interesting fruits

I looked out the window to see Sampeth getting something out of the tree. This tree has this curly fruit hanging all over it. This is the same tree where I often see and hear green parrots, which are difficult to photo! I wandered out back to see that Saraswathe had a pile of this fruit gathered up in her Saree. They offered me to try one, at first I said no and then decided to be really brave. Not a bad taste. A bit sweet, sort of reminded me of raw cauliflower but with a bit of a woody texture. As the fruit ripens it becomes a beautiful shade of pink. Very interesting. They told me the name but of course I couldn't begin to pronounce it let alone remember it so just enjoy the photos of this interesting fruit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think the fruit is called 'tamarind'.