Saturday, September 6, 2008

A trip to Mahabalipuram

This past weekend we headed down to Mahabalipuram to check out the ruins. We had been down before but did not visit all of them and after this trip we still haven't! Mahabalipuram is a 7th century port city that is full of incredibly beautiful rock carvings. They say most of these impressive carvings are out of one big rock! Wow! I still don't think I grasp how old these carvings are.

Logan mid jump

Mason mid jump

This group wanted a our picture with them so I took one too!

Good thing the guy didn't leave the keys in the two wheeler!

In between visiting sites we headed to a few touristy shops. While waiting at a shop there were two monkeys just hanging out, looking for food. We really enjoyed watching them and were thankful we weren't eating. The weather was very hot, so we headed to GTR -Grand Temple Resort for a lovely lunch served right on the ocean. Of course during lunch you couldn't help but think about all the lives lost when the tsunami came in 2004.

1 comment:

Marsha said...

Looks like you all had a great time. It's good to get away. I have yet to see a monkey here, guess I'm just not looking hard enough!