Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Oh the things we see

I wonder if I will stop being amazed at the things that I see in India. It seems like by now I would have seen it all but I am always seeing new things. Below is a short clip, it turns out that lots of Tamil films are filmed in Chennai, more precisely on the OMR road near a lot of the IT buildings. In the US the road would be blocked off and there would be some safety features put in place. But remember we are in India there is no such thing as safety! This car was cruising along probably around 35 mph with all sorts of traffic around. Who knows maybe I will be in the film!

Besides being a movie star in India you can be a government employee. This really doesn't seem to be a very good Indian job, but the man is working and feeding his family. I believe he earns roughly 10000rps ($250 USD) a month which is quite good. And I believe there is some housing offered as well. But the job looks very terrible. Whenever it rains especially in the city the rain has no where to go except the street. The workers have to take off the sewager/drainage lids and clean "stuff" out of the pipes.

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