Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Heading to Kerala

Thursday evening we are headed to Kerala which is located on the west coast of India. It is supposed to be a beautiful place, one of the top ten must see sites within India. We will be flying (a one hour flight vs a 14 hr drive...) into Cochin and then we are being transfered to a resort where we will be staying for 2 nights and then the 3rd night we will be staying on a houseboat floating through the backwaters of Kerala. The backwaters consist of a bunch of canals in which consists of water from the Arabian sea and the rivers that flow from the Western Gnats mountains. I am really looking forward to the weekend. Millie and Cleo are looking forward us going away as they are going to our friends (Bob and Margot) house for the weekend. They will be amply spoiled while we are gone! I am hoping to get some great photos this weekend and will post next week!

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