Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Just some random photos

Okay, I have officially been hit by the photography bug...thanks to Bob in India! I have a new camera and have been having a blast taking photos! Here are just some photos I thought I would share. I have lots to figure out on it but still have fun trying. The kids are getting used to meet stopping the van to grab a photo! I really like the wheat field below. As a child I loved seeing the wheat fields change from the vibrant green to the golden yellows. Watching the wheat get harvested (and then all the wheat bugs that invaded the house) was a neat process. Until this year I haven't seen many wheat fields and finding straw for our animals was challenging. But due to high wheat prices the farmers are once again planting wheat. Tonight while heading back to our house it was dark and we had the windows open to let in the cool fresh air and the kids thought I was crazy when I asked them it they could knew what the smell in the air was...a fresh cut hay field. I think that living in India has reawakened my senses to our surroundings and I love it!

A crop duster (Ted do not get any ideas!)

Somewhere over the rainbow

The sky was beautiful, if only I could figure out the camera settings!


Anonymous said...

Jennifer, these are some of the most beautiful pictures of the midwest I've ever seen! :) Thanks for sharing them.

I love the smell of corn in the evening - when the mist is rising and the corn smells, well, so much like corn. :)

Well gotta run - L is starving for breakfast....


Anonymous said...

For a moment, I wondered where you have crop dusters in India :) Or such vast fields, for that matter.

The Green Family said...

These photos were taken in central Illinois, USA! The world is a beautiful place!