Friday, February 27, 2009

Some things just don't make sense

Here in India I see a lot of things that just don't make sense. They seems sense to the Indians but to this westerner I just don't get it. One of the things that has been bugging me lately is the new toll road that we often take to work and school. They offer prepaid cards to supposedly make it go faster, yeah right. Remember TII...This Is India! They have a couple lanes for the "smart card/cash" and the "non stop". Now the whole "non stop" thing just gets me irritated everytime I see the sign. To me "non stop" means you don't have to stop, but once again TII. "Non stop" means you still have to stop and we have the stop signs to prove it! We generally pick whichever queue seems the shortest and inevitably get behind some guy who either lost his card or ticket, doesn't have the money, thinks his card should still have plenty of trips left on it, the reader won't read the card, etc. The really interesting thing about the toll plaza is they have a machine to scan the card but they have a guy standing outside to scan your card for you and a guy inside to press the button to lift the arm. Even though the toll road is not completely finished they are trying to keep it somewhat litter free but it makes me so sad to see the way these ladies lives are put in danger while cleaning the litter.

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