Friday, November 14, 2008

Our Fearless Guard dog

Our fearless...I mean fearful guard dog really isn't much of guard dog. She really seems to be afraid of loud noises which is strange because I have a child here that is constantly making loud noises but Millie doesn't mind that noise. Millie has decided she does not like firecrackers. She is scared to death of them. She runs and hides in the quietest spot at that given point in time. That could be anywhere from our closet, bathrooms, pantry or most recently the boy's loft. Now the loft doesn't really have stairs but more of a ladder, but Millie managed to climb of this ladder this past weekend, I guess the adrenaline was pumping and she wasn't thinking about how she would get down. I tried to call her and even put treats on every other step but she just couldn't or wouldn't get beyond that first step. So eventually Ted came to the rescue and yep you guessed it, he carried her down. Let just hope she doesn't climb any trees to try to catch the squirrels or crows that antagonize her.

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