Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Okay maybe she is a guard dog

Today was a big day for Millie as she caught a rat or mouse. I didn't see it I just heard it was a big mouse. My maid actually brought our computer mouse to me to tell me that Millie caught one outside (showing the computer mouse to me)! Then tonight was a day Millie has dreamed about for months, she finally caught a chipmunk (or little squirrel). The guards got Millie away from the chipmunk which appeared to be injured and somewhat deformed as it did not have any claws on it's front legs. It must have appeared cruel when we told the guards it was okay for Millie to got ahead and play with this chipmunk because we don't want Millie to lose the instinct to hunt. Somehow during the midst of all this Cleo (a.k.a. the Queen of Gecko hunting) ran outside and got right in the action. I have never witnessed a dog and cat have so much fun (in a cruel way) with a chipmunk. Millie would play with the chipmunk and run around the yard with it and then Cleo would run over and grab the chipmunk and run away with it and then Millie would get it and then Cleo, etc. An amazing site to witness!

1 comment:

素子 said...

Wow! And you said she had a good temperment. Now I think I'm afraid for my children's lives! :-)