Many of you have commented on the little boy playing in the sand so I thought I would show you his house. It really isn't much, a hut with a dirt floor, no running water and no electricity. The family consists of a mother, grandfather, 2 boys and lots of goats and chickens. It really is rather surreal when you look to the north to see their home and then to the south to see our home. The elderly man takes his goats out everyday to let them graze up and down the street. The lady wheels her cart to the end of our road and sells a homemade all day long. The children to attend school, but when home they are busy riding bikes, with old tires, or helping with the goats.
I had actually written this post several weeks ago as I was waiting to get a better photo of the grandfather. Today I sadly learned that he passed away around 4 pm. I would see him take his goats up and down the road every day and I would always smile brightly at him. He would put his hands together in front of his face and look bow his head slightly. Sometimes at night we would see him curled up with a blanket in front of our house on the paving stones. I haven't seen him the past several days but I figured that he had went to a village to visit but unfortunately he had fell while out with his herd and never recovered. The picture below is of this man, age 63. I asked Bhaskar what we could do for this family and he suggested money. I walked over and gave his daughter some money and embraced her. We both had tears. I am sure she was shocked to have me embrace her and also shed tears for a man a didn't know. It is just the reality of life and death. Tonight I walked outside and saw that they have a large fire burning in front of the house and the man is adorned with flowers and laid out on a raised bed of palm leaves and has a beautiful canopy over him. This shepherd, age 63, now has two men sitting outside keeping watch over him tonight.
Hi... You don't know me, but I want to tell you how much I appreciate your blog! My name is Kate and my husband has been offered an expatriate assignment in Chennai beginning this fall. I have so many questions and appreciate all the information that your posts hold! If you have a moment to answer even more questions, please email me at Thanks!
Thanks for this post. I had tears as I read . I love your tender heart and love for all peoples. May God Bless you for that.
I am wondering will this man be buried in a cemetery? Are the children allowed to play with your kids. Your journey is so interesting . Life in a different country is so amazing. I am going back to Guatemala in July . I have such a love for the people of Guatemala. When will you be home? Let me know I would love to see you. Until Later. Love, Janie
what a thoughtful post...thank you for spreading such love in India! Beautiful gesture that meant so much to that family...and it changed you as well!
An incredibly moving post - I love your blog, you capture the essence of the 'real India'. Keep your eyes open and you will grow and grow.
Thank you. Mrs Mad Dog
What a moving post, it left me very humbled. I love your blog, you are capturing the essence of 'real India' and by keeping your eyes open you will grow. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Love Mrs Mad Dog
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