Monday, April 27, 2009

What a job!

Last week Bhaskar and I were in the city and all of a sudden we came across a guy, naked except for a little piece of cloth in the front and a harness. We drove by and I asked Bhaskar, "did I just see a naked guy in the street?". He said, "yes, ma'am." Well of course my reply was to turn around so I can photo this guy. No one seemed to be bothered that this white lady was taking photos. For the sake of little eyes I have photoshopped in a leaf to cover his rear end. This guy apparently is a government employee and his job is to crawl down the sewers and do who know what. Evidently these guys have to be able to hold their breath for quite along time as the fumes can be lethal. It is not uncommon for men to succumb to these fumes and die. But unfortunately the government believes these workers can be easily be replaced. You just try telling that to their loved ones.

Here is an interesting article if want more info: sewer workers in Chennai

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