Tuesday, January 13, 2009

An unwelcome house guest

We arrived home (that is really weird because I truly feel I have two homes now!) Saturday morning around 4am. The flight from London to Chennai was pretty smooth and time went fairly fast as our good friends Fraser and Helen from Chennai were also on the flight. We thankfully got all of our luggage and headed home. When we got home we discovered that we had a house guest, an unwelcome one! We seem to have some sort of critter that left little packages in the kitchen and ate some food while we were gone. Now granted the cat and dog were gone most of the time but they have been here with us the past several days and they haven't caught it yet! So yesterday I informed the driver we needed a mouse trap. About thirty minutes later the maid comes in with a live trap with a peanut (not peanut butter). So last night I anxiously set the trap out on the counter (thank goodness for bleach to clean it all up!) and I also put a little piece of bread to go with his peanut. Well, the clever little creature headed into the trap and dined on the bread and left. I woke up around 2 am to check to see if I had captured anything and found he had escaped! So I rebaited the trap, put some duct tape sticky side up and headed back to bed. I eagerly bounded down the stairs at 6 am certain that I had caught the critter (okay I am secretly holding out for a chipmunk) only to find that he did not come back. Disappointed Ted said it was time for mouse poison or a better trap. After a few emails I found out that they do have glue traps and I went and bought some. So tonight Mason and I tweaked the wire that triggers the door to shut, used cheese instead of peanuts and have set the glue traps out. So the wait is on. What could it be? Stayed tuned, hopefully I will have news soon!

Mason adjusting the trap

Glue trap #1

Glue trap #2

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