Friday, January 2, 2009

One year ago today

It is so hard to believe that one year ago today (January 2, 2008) we loaded up 23 bags, 3 kids and a dog and drove to Chicago to begin our journey to India! I can't believe how quickly the time has went. I was so distraught about the move I thought for sure it would be miserable, but it has been an experience of a lifetime! I look back at the year and see the things we have learned. I will forever be so thankful that we were brave enough and trusted God to see us through our time in India. We have had a delightful time home in the US this holiday season and it is quickly coming to an end. The kids have had the chance to have lots of sleepovers and play dates with friends. Ted and I also have had the chance to visit with many friends. This was a very hectic time and not quite as relaxing as this summer. It is a bittersweet feeling to leave. I miss the life and friends in India but when we are back in India I too will miss the life and friends here in Princeville. Every time we head back to India I worry about how the kids will readjust. I think that everyone is a little sad to head back and I pray the feelings will be short lived. I have tried to explain to them that living in India is a just a season in our lives, hopefully in the end we will all bear more beautiful fruit. I am so thankful for the ways in which we can communicate with friends and family and it makes us not seem so far away. So please keep up with the emails and phone calls (hint, hint) and for of those of you with web cams lets make use them this year!

As I look back on the past year hear is an interesting list I put together of things I have learned, observed or miss while being in India:

converting rupees to US dollars comes naturally
keeping an eye on the exchange rate
learning how much a stone is in pounds
talking about economic policies over lunch with friends
leaving early due to flooded roads
not having to carry in my groceries or unpack the bags
when the lights go out expect the generator on within minutes
using bottled water to brush my teeth
carrying toilet paper in my purse
stopping by five star hotels just to use the restroom
having someone else walk my dog
discussing how many cups equals 400 grams of flour
What is the difference between strong flour and maida
learning what maida is
cooking in Celsius
sending the drive out to get a fresh chicken but specify I do not want the head or feet attached
remember what days the Muslims go to mosque and plan my shopping accordingly
ordering my meat over the phone and having it delivered
buying milk by the case and keeping it in the pantry
having the electrician and plumber here at least once a month
having someone follow you constantly in a store
always asking for the best price
making sure there isn't poop (all kinds) outside the car door!
weaving around cows and goats on the road
asking if we can get a baby water buffalo
buying only carrots with the tops still on
learning that avocados are called butter fruit in India
looking forward to grape and orange season
hearing all sorts of languages that I can't understand
convincing the locals that hens will lay eggs without a rooster
trying to understand why the hens won't eat carrot peels like US hens
not throwing any food in the trash
expanding my cooking abilities and being creative
not getting junk mail
not having to put gas in the van
not having to put on coats, mittens or boots
having my kitchen cleaned up when I am done baking or cooking
learning British phases and what they mean
realizing that only American's celebrate Thanksgiving
meeting people from all over the world
thinking that a 7 hour plane ride is fairly short
seeing men urinating at the side of the road is natural
belching is acceptable...a bit difficult when I correct a child for belching just after the driver let one out!
never carrying any keys
not being able to turn on western music on the radio
travel, travel, travel....need I say more?
disappointed when I didn't get to take a photo of the cobra that went over our wall
learn about Hindu holidays and rituals
discussing the daily schedule and task to Bhaskar every morning
learning how to text on a mobile phone


Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great trip back... it's been fun having you home....

Lori S.

Jinguchakka said...

There are radio channels that play western music. Tune-search for them.
If that fails, satellite radio is always there.

Donna said...

LOVE your list--so true and so unbelievable at the same time :)

Anonymous said...

I've just found you ... and am enjoying reading back through your archived posts!! This list is great and gives me a great "to look forward to" to have in my mind!