Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Air shipment

Well, the air shipment is packed up and ready to go. We were able to pack a 5 X 5 X 4 foot box full of things we really would like when we first move. I guess it won't leave the country until Ted does. It should arrive Saturday but will take some time to clear customs. I hope that it doesn't take too long to get through and that nothing is damaged and/or stolen. Ted is all packed up and is ready to start this new challenge set before him. I on the other hand am in denial, just wanting to stay in my nice little box in Illinois. I do not want to Juanita and Karen have reminded me that is fine, I don't have to want to move today just in January! Oh wise women they are. So I am praying for an attitude adjustment tonight. I think my emotions are more in an uproar since Ted is preparing to leave. I wish we were all going because the waiting is getting old. BUT that being said, I can't imagine going not knowing what our housing situation is.
Ted will be busy enough looking for a house, learning his new job and just figuring out India. I am sure he will appreciate emails and even phone calls...once we know for sure the Vonage will work there.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I'm pretty sure the boxes won't look so nice and neat when they arrive here in India. Our air shipment looked like it was dropped from the plane...luckily nothing was broken or stolen. Can't say the same for the sea shipment or food shipment though. Tell Ted to contact me if he needs anything at all when he is here. Julie